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Critical factors of pedagogical management that influence the evasion in higher education distance learning courses: a case study

Márcio José Käms Senhorinha; Marco Aurélio de Oliveira; André Hideto Futami; Luiz Veriano Dalla Valentina

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Abstract: Society is currently experiencing scientific, technical and social progress, requiring constant renewal with higher quality dedicated to higher education. Distance education (EAD) allows the raise of new learning forms. EAD uses new technologies and the internet to raise the population education level, creating a higher professional qualification and providing training for specialists in several areas of knowledge. Despite the existing facilities and technologies, EAD has evasion rates that are around twenty-five percent. The question that raises from this data is; what are the critical factors associated to pedagogical management that led to this high evasion rate? The objective of the research was to determine the critical factors of pedagogical management, which have an impact on the evasion in undergraduate courses in the EAD. The research place was a higher education center in the north of Santa Catarina state. The identification of the critical factors and main variables that can cause evasion makes use of a method developed for this analysis, with data confronted with the literature, considering the main authors dealing with this topic. The tool chosen for the results analysis was the statistical correlation. Among the critical factors related to pedagogical management, it is possible to mention the adaptation to distance education, and support and feedback as fundamental questions to reduce evasion.


Distance Learning, School evasion, Pedagogical Management


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