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Dynamic method to identify and analyze waste by making-do in construction sites

Tatiana Gondim do Amaral; Pedro Boaratti Braga; Karinny Vieira Elias; Camila Mariana Brandão

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Abstract:: The study of making-do contributes to improvements in the planning and control of construction sites, thus minimizing waste. The present study aims to investigate and analyze waste by making-do in seven companies from Goiás with the aid of a Dashboard and perform the risk analysis of the identified waste. Data were analyzed during the technical visits at each site, among which the direct non-participant observation, questionnaire application and document analysis stand out. The analysis of the data indicated that most of the waste is related to the steps of sealing and structure within the construction sites, in particular, for components connected to plastering and concreting. The main impact was rework, followed by reduced security. With the risk analysis, the main points were identified according to their severity, thus guiding management decision making. As final contributions, the main impacts and suggestions for their minimization are presented. Therefore, we highlight the need to use reality and information technology tools in future works for integrated production control and to assist in the identification of waste by making-do in construction sites.


Waste, Making-do, Rework, Improvisation, Dashboard


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