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Sustainable competitive advantage and green innovation: a review of joint scale propositions

Olívia Carolina de Resende Ribeiro; Pedro José Steiner Neto

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Abstract:: The objective of this work was to present the analysis instruments of Green Innovation that seek to relate it to Sustainable Competitive Advantage. Determining the research instruments through which we can analyze the relations between Organizational Capacity, Green Innovation, and Performance can enlighten us in what contributes with the levels of competitiveness of a specific industry, i.e., the sustainable competitive advantage. To do this, we focused on articles indexed in Thomson Reuters, ´Web of Science databank. We analyzed the articles have been most cited and which had presented scales for the analysis and understanding of Green Innovation instruments. We explored three of the most cited articles. These works address innovation from the perspective of Green Innovation and seek to analyze the superior performance of environmental innovations through specific scales. The studies in question adopt quantitative research approaches and operationalized through surveys. According to our analysis, the instruments can represent significant advances concerning the problem addressed in this study.


Green Innovation, Green Innovation Performance, Capabilities, Competitiveness, Sustainable Competitive Advantage


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