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A program to find all pure Nash equilibria in games with n-players and m-strategies: the Nash Equilibria Finder – NEFinder

Renan Henrique Cavicchioli Sugiyama; Alexandre Bevilacqua Leoneti

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Abstract:: Nash equilibrium is an important concept for studying human behavior in group decision making process. Given the complexity of finding Nash equilibria, computational tools are necessary to find them. Several programs were developed for this task. However, available programs are either not comprehensive or might be of difficult installation and handling, creating a “barrier of entry” to non-specialists. The aims of this research are twofold: (i) firstly, it was to identify and to discuss about the available programs for finding Nash equilibria; and (ii) secondly, based on the theoretical proprieties of a Nash equilibrium, to develop a program capable of finding all pure Nash equilibria in games with “n” players and “m” strategies (“n” and “m” being finite numbers) as a Macro tool for Microsoft Excel®. It is expected that the program can contributed to the area of Operations Research by providing a new tool that facilitate the use of game theory concepts within group decision-making problem-solving scenarios enabling practical applications using a widespread software.


Group decision-making, Game theory, Nash equilibrium, Software


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