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Evaluation of the socioeconomic and environmental sustainability of banking institutions in Brazil using the Analytic Hierarchy Process with ratings approach

Igor Laguna Vieira; Luis Alberto Duncan Rangel; Elmo Rodrigues da Silva; Luiz Carlos De Martini Junior

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Abstract:: Large banking institutions play an important role in sustainable development, especially owing to their size and capillarity. Therefore, the objective of this study is to compare sustainability indicators (economic, environmental, and social) published in the reports of some of these institutions that operate in the Brazilian market. The four banks selected for this study were the ones that published their sustainability reports in the 2017 Global Reporting Initiative standard, and that comprised the portfolio of the Corporate Sustainability Index, promoted by “Brasil, Bolsa e Balcão,” in 2018. These banks were Banco do Brasil, Bradesco, Itaú, and Santander. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) with the use of ratings was used to carry out the research. After elaborating on the hierarchical structure of the problem, specialists, who were researchers in the field of sustainability, were required to weigh the degree of relevance of each of the indicators analyzed in this study. A ranking of the selected banks was then obtained in relation to their sustainability performances, which was based on the weights given to each indicator and the data available in the sustainability reports of each institution investigated. The banks were ranked in the following order: Itaú, Santander, Bradesco, and Banco do Brasil. The results of this study showed that there is room for evolution in relation to sustainability, mainly in the social department, in the banking sector. The AHP method with the use of ratings proved to be efficient, especially because it allowed for the weighing of the evaluation criteria and sub-criteria; this proved the usefulness of the method in comparing companies with regard to their sustainability performance.


Sustainable development, AHP, Banking institutions, Global Reporting Initiative, Sustainability indicators, GRI reports


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