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Study of delays in constructions: a managerial point of view of private companies in Brasilia, Brazil

Eduardo Lavocat Galvão de Almeida; Vitor Amadeu da Silva Feitoza; Michele Tereza Marques Carvalho; Ana Beatriz Souza Piña; Lissa Gomes Araújo; Luiz Augusto Gimenez Aidar

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Abstract: Delay is one of the most recurrent problems in the construction industry. It is the cause of major negative consequences on construction projects and it can be the main reason for project failures. Still, there is a need for studies focusing on causes of these delays. The objective of this article is to determine the factors with greatest influence on the backlog of real estate developments, improving the collective list of causes of delays in construction projects. A list of 24 probable causes was assembled and submitted as a survey for 47 professionals in administrative rolls from the building construction sector, more precisely, from private companies. The results were processed utilizing the Relative Importance Index (RII) ranking approach. The outcome shows that the most important delay causes are: rework, poor labor productivity, lack of qualified labor, unqualified labor, and project changes. The results also indicate that there are significant differences of opinion between the professionals of distinct hierarchy positions. The results obtained indicate that there is a transition between the opinions of professionals in different roles regarding the importance of influential factors in the delay of works, according to the managerial level of each group.


Construction industry, Delay, Influencing factors, Construction projects


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