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Gestão & Produção
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A bibliometric study on the use of games in the Production Engineering area

Carlos Antonio Gonçalves Rosado; Marcio Coutinho de Souza

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Abstract:: Keeping the student focused for long periods of time has been a challenge for teachers. The adoption of new teaching strategies in which students leave the position of listeners and share with the master the active position is already known and even adopted. These strategies give students the opportunity to have more interactive experiences, stimulate independent thinking, create discussions within the group thus contribute to the improvement of the teaching- learning process. In that sense, the use of educational games has been an alternative, as they can mitigate the difficulty that students have in making the parallel between the concepts theorists learned from situations of application of this knowledge. Monitor the growth of the literature and research patterns in a given thematic area is an important step to understand the development of this domain. Therefore, the bibliometrics has been an emerging area, as it aims to describe, evaluate and monitor research published in a given field of knowledge. In this way, it is defined as the general objective of this work to map and characterize publications on the use of games and related terms in Production Engineering from bibliometric research in the annals of the National Meeting of Production Engineering. In this research, techniques such as Citation, Bibliographic Coupling, Co-author, Co-citation and Co- word were used, from which bibliometric maps are generated with the aid of the VOSviewer software, in which, for example, the most used keywords are shown; institutions and authors who publish works in the field; the authors who are engaged bibliographically; those who work together; and those that appear simultaneously in the reference lists.


Games, Bibliometric, Teaching-learning, Production engineering, Vosviewer, Engineering education


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