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Value added by intellectual capital: a study from the brazilian B3´s ISE portfolio – Corporate Sustainability Index

José Francisco de Carvalho Rezende; Mônica Pereira da Silva

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Abstract:: The study aimed at discussing the Value Creation based on the VAIC™ method and as a research field the companies that are part of the B3 (BM&FBOVESPA) Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE) portfolio. As a first approach, we selected the year 2016 after ten years of ISE history. The VAIC™ components were recovered and computed from the International Financial Reporting Standards ended in December 31, 2015. The hypotheses allowed to affirm the following: (i) there is interdependence among Invested Financial Capital, Intellectual Capital, and Value Creation; (ii) there are dimensions of Value Creation capable of differentiating and clustering the observations; and (iii) the allocative efficiency of companies can vary according to clusters. The main limitation is the size of the population/final sample — 29 corporations. The implications refer to the reinforcement of the theoretical existence of Value Creation based simultaneously on tangible and intangible assets and the possibility to categorize companies to broaden the understanding of the bases for appreciation of the value and pricing of assets traded on the stock exchange platforms.


Intellectual capital, Value Added Intellectual Coefficient-VAIC™, Corporate Sustainability Index – ISE


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