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Gestão & Produção
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Case study for the development of an analysis structure for the collaborative environment on project companies

Patrícia da Silva Fiuza Pina; Raquel Naves Blumenschein

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Abstract: This research presents an analysis of the paradigm that involves the collaborative management in technological environments of architectural and urban planning companies, in the Brazilian scenario. It associates Administration, Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC), and Behavioural Analysis perspectives. It is based on a review about the influencing factors inserted in BIM domain as learning process boosters, associating concepts of collaborative networks, project management, dynamic capabilities and meta-contingencies to discuss a class of problems arising from the lack of knowledge absorption, which was systematized in the study of management bottlenecks. The methodological approach, based on Design Science Research, synthesizes procedures compatible with the general typology of an artefact –a support tool – associated to a functional analysis. The obtained results highlight seven variables that represent categories of analysis of the collaborative environment: activities, self-assessment, BIM, decision-making, information, resources, and values. The main contribution of this research was to develop a methodological way to complement a partial diagnosis of project process management. It is the first step to develop an analysis structure that represents the dynamics of a collaborative network and not just isolated variables.


BIM, Collaborative environment, Knowledge, Architectural companies, Management bottlenecks


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