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RBV in a context of supply chain management

Valdir Antonio Vitorino Filho; Roberto Giro Moori

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Abstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate the supply chain management (SCM), strategic management (SM), and resource-based view (RBV) as background to business performance (BP). The study, exploratory in nature, was divided into two phases, qualitative and quantitative. In the first phase, data from ten companies were collected, later processed by content analysis. In the second phase, there was a pre-test, with subsequent data collection from 125 national companies associated with technology, processed by structural equation modeling. The results indicated that SCM favors SM and that both SCM and SM benefit RBV, therefore increasing BP. However, SM does not influence BP positively. Thus, we concluded that, due to the competition in the supply chain, focal companies have adopted strategies to integrate and coordinate the processes of their sectors, such as production, purchase, sales, and logistics to meet the goals of business performance.


RBV, Supply chain management, Business performance


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