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Gestão & Produção
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Motivation for the development of patents in universities in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil

Jabson Herber Profiro de Oliveira; João Policarpo Rodrigues Lima; Manoel Raimundo Sena Junior; Ana Cristina de Almeida Fernandes

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Abstract: This paper presents the main factors associated with the motivation of researchers from two universities in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil, to develop patents. To do so, the researchers responded to a Likert-scale survey. Through a principal components analysis, it was verified that the factors that serve as barriers to the development of patents in the universities are associated with limitations in the support given by the TTO (Technology Transfer Office) and the amount of benefits offered to researchers. Likewise, the main motivating factors were associated with improvements in the TTO infrastructure and with the expansion of benefits.


Industrial property, Patent, University, Technological Innovation Center


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