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Gestão & Produção
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Proposal for a framework for production strategy utilizing Big Data: illustrative case in public service

Fernando Celso de Campos; Alceu Gomes Alves Filho

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Abstract: The production strategy is an overall pattern of decisions and actions that defines the role, objectives and production activities supporting a business strategy. Expanded to a general pattern of decisions determining the long-term skills and their contributions to the global strategy combining market requirements and resources. Currently, from the whole evolution of the internet and its related technologies, there are a wide range of data available in various formats and storage places. This voluminous data set available, called Big Data, can support the understandings and managerial and strategic visions in a way interesting, effective and relevant, since they combine some factors and tools. Therefore, the objective of this article is to present a proposal for a framework that supports the strategy of production via use of aspects of Big Data. The method of research was conducted in three stages: i) literature search in 5 steps; ii)elaboration of a theoretical-conceptual framework (BD-ProdStrateg) in 5 steps; and iii)application of illustration of the proposed framework (BD-ProdStrateg). The main contribution was the systematization of a proposal using a theoretical right to authors of consolidated production strategy and on the other hand the latest reference about Big Data and its possibilities to be explored. Illustrative application generated an expectation of continuity and search for technological means to check on how long the main problems would be resolved and what degree of economics from this deployment.


Production strategy, Big Data, Framework, Public service, Illustrative case


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