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Influence of organizational culture on the environments of innovation and organizational performance

Klaus Siegmar Schuldt; Giancarlo Gomes

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Abstract: Innovation is an inherent and fundamental phenomenon for the prosperity of the textile industry. One of the factors that can stimulate the propensity for innovation is the organizational culture. This is due to the fact that by influencing employees' behavior, one can achieve that they accept innovation as a fundamental value in the organization and commit to it. Therefore, it is opportune to deepen the relationship between organizational culture and innovation and organizational performance. That way, the objective of this study was to analyze the influence of the organizational culture on the internal and external environment of innovation and organizational performance in an organization of the textile sector. The research was descriptive quantitative, transversal, with a sample of 186 respondents. The data were analyzed by means of Structural Equation Modeling. As a main result, the collaborators highlighted the Results dimensions; Processes and Internal relationship of the innovation group as present in the environment conducive to the development of innovations. The Organizational Culture of the company is congruent with the smallest distance of power and high collectivism. The theoretical model was adhered to in the textile organization studied, with respect to the influence of Organizational Culture on the internal and external Environment to the development of innovations contributing to the application of new studies. With this, it is possible to infer that there is a favorable influence of the organizational culture on the environment of development of innovations and organizational performance in the organization researched.


Organizational culture, Innovation, Organizational performance


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