Gestão & Produção
Gestão & Produção
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The brazilian logistics service provider on the internet

Mauro Vivaldini; Silvio Roberto Ignácio Pires

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Abstract: The attention of Logistics Service Providers (LSPs) to market movements and trends is fundamental to winning accounts, as well as avoiding problems and keeping customer companies. In this context, the primary purpose of this article was to identify, characterize and analyse the types of logistics outsourcing in Brazil, to evaluate the LSPs concerning the capacity of integration in the supply chains (SC), through the positioning and offer of services that they adopt on their websites. Therefore, the theoretical discussion pointed out the importance of websites for organizations, considering the company's website as an essential communication channel. The study researched 154 websites of these providers in Brazil aiming to understand if the attributes and competencies disclosed are aligned with the theory. The results show that the majority (59%) of LSPs in Brazil are unable to articulate and present their skills in the same way that they are discussed in theory.


LSP, Internet, Logistics, Supply chain, 3PL, 4PL


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