Gestão & Produção
Gestão & Produção
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Occupational risks of commercial restaurant workers in the metropolitan region of Recife-PE

Isabella Carla Ehrhardt Paes; Ruth Cavalcanti Guilherme; Alda Veronica de Souza Livera; Rafael Guilherme Ribeiro do Valle; Karina Correia da Silveira

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Abstract: With the modern and fast pace of life, the number of people who eat out has increased; consequently there has been an increase in the demand for work in establishments in the collective meals sector, making work environments susceptible to the emergence of occupational risks which may compromise the physical, mental and social health of workers. In order to mitigate these risks, one must have the knowledge of how they can interfere in the quality of life and work of the employees. Considering these aspects, occupational risks were evaluated in two restaurants in the metropolitan area of Recife-PE. For the evaluation of these were studied the levels of noise, heat and illumination. The chemical risks and physical-ergonomic relationship were also evaluated. It was observed in all the analyzes made, some type of discomfort to the collaborators. The noise analysis showed discomfort, where the waiter was exposed to levels of 83 dB, in the heat exposure the cooking area contributed to the thermal discomfort, where the exposure of 30.7 IBTUG was found and insufficient lighting in the area of washing pots with 86 lux. Risks arising from the incorrect use of PPE's and lack of these were found in the handling of chemicals and in the ergonomic risks was observed inadequacy of the height of worktops. From these results, it is fundamental to promote corrective measures to provide a comfortable work environment with reduced wear for the employee, so that there are no negative consequences for the company, as well as the customer.


Occupational risks, Worker’s health, Quality of life


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