Gestão & Produção
Gestão & Produção
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A proposal for restructuring the layout of continuous freezing tunnels of fresh sausages

Fernando Henrique Lermen; Rubya Vieira de Mello Campos; Tânia Maria Coelho; Gustavo de Souza Matias; Márcia Elisa Soares Echeveste

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Abstract Currently companies face a market extremely competitive, in this scenario, to achieve a significant profit margin, is essential to reduce costs and rework. This study was developed in the central food cooperative Aurora (Erechim- RS), in the continuous freezing tunnels, which are responsible for the biggest bottleneck of the company. The continuous freezing tunnels are very unstable, because the products are positioned on a rail, which can or cannot acquire the proper temperature for freezing, generating rework case do not meet the standards. Therefore, the objective was to restructure the current layout of continuous sausage freeze tunnels, based on temperature analyzes to evaluate compliance with the SAI-151-00 Internal Regulation, propose a new layout with static cages for the tunnels, present the budget for that change and to estimate a deadline to investment's payback. For this work were used approach methods qualitative and quantitative. As the purpose is classified as descriptive, methodological, and as to the means to be treated as field research, literature and case study. In order to perform the temperature analysis, the freezing conformity assessment methodology was used and the layout design methodology was used for the development of the new layout, in which a budget analysis was also developed according to the described methodology. With the completion of work was possible to developed a proposal for a new layout that will double capacity of freezing tunnels and meet all applicable standards. Also found through a budget analysis in less than five days of production in fresh pork the expenses will be paid off.


Layout, Planning and production control, Physical arrangement, Food industry


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